TC Camera Repair will take extra care in protecting your camera.
How To Ship Your Camera
If you have not yet contacted us please call before sending your equipment or email. We can provide you with an estimated cost for repair.
Please follow these instructions:
- Fill out all the necessary information.
- List any estimate you received over the phone or by email.
- You can also request that we contact you if the repair will exceed a specific amount.
- Please provide your daytime phone number so we can contact you.
- List any accessories included. We ask that you only send a battery with your camera that is the rechargeable type. We have many types of batteries but may not have the type for your model.
- We have most types of memory cards, please do not send unless we have requested it.
- Do not include accessories such as: Straps, Cases, Film/Media Card
- Print out the Shipment/Repair Form.
- If you would like, you may use the bottom portion of the form as a shipping label. (Completely cover the entire label with clear packing tape.)
- We will contact you when the camera repair is completed and bill you for the repair and/or shipping charges. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Money Order, Check by mail (Payment must arrive before camera is returned)
Click on the Repair Form Button to create your camera repair shipment.
Contact TC Camera Repair today to learn more:
Phone: (630) 960-4020
Contact Us: Click here to visit our contact page.
Contact Us: Click here to visit our contact page.
Digital Camera Repair
See how much you can save
Call or email us with a description of your problem for an estimate.